HH Info

This 27-hole course offers a great test for all skill levels with bunkers on every hole and water on fourteen holes. Two of Chi Chi Rodriguez's favorite holes of golf are on Hacienda.


Driving Directions

From Spanish Springs -head east on Main street turn left at the traffic light on Paige Place. Continue to Morse Blvd traffic circle, continue 270' on the traffic circle and enter the Morse Blvd. Gate. Travel 1/2 mile Hacienda Hills Country Club is on the left 1193 Morse Blvd.
From Lake Sumter Landing -travel east on Lake Sumter Blvd. to Morse Blvd. Head North on Morse Blvd to 1200 Morse Blvd Hacienda Hills Country Club is on the right.


Click here for a downloadable scorecard in pdf format.

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